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5 Tips to Stop Caring so Much About Anything and Anyone

by Ali

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Key points

  • Excessive caring can lead to exhaustion and superficial relationships.
  • Balancing care and establishing personal boundaries fosters healthier relationships.
  • Strategies like saying β€œno” and not taking responsibility for others’ feelings are vital.

Being caring is a positive trait right? Surely, there is no such thing as caring too much? It is good to care about others, but to what extent? When we sacrifice ourselves to please others, we are in dangerous territory. When we care more about what others think of us than how we feel about ourselves, we are heading for doom. 

We can still be good, kind, and compassionate people when we care a little less. In fact, when you stop caring so much, the care you do give becomes more meaningful. I have spent 40 years of my life servicing and pleasing others. Now, I am learning to say β€œno” and to stop myself from caring excessively about others. And guess what, my world hasn’t collapsed. In fact, I feel quite enlightened. 

Let’s look at ways caring too much is unhealthy. As usual, I will suggest a number of tips to help you stop caring so much.Β 

What does it look like to care too much? 

Caring too much is another term for pleasing people. And people-pleasing is all about trying to be nice to everyone, all of the time. It is saying β€œyes” when we want to say β€œno”. It is going out of your way for others when it really doesn’t actually suit you.

Caring too much is thinking that we are responsible for other people’s happiness. And for carrying the burden of responsibility for everyone else. 

I am a recovering people pleaser. I am a work in progress. I have overstretched myself for many years to keep others happy. To keep them liking me. I spent too long worrying about what other people thought of me. I have the needs of others before my own. I have fitted in when it doesn’t suit me. 

My greatest fear is to rock the boat and cause others discomfort. So I am obedient and of service. My excessive caring is a direct link with my need for acceptance. 

Why is it a bad thing to care too much? 

Put simply – caring too much by being a people pleaser is exhausting. 

It can also lead to feelings of anger, frustration, anxiety, and stress. Whilst we may think our people-pleasing is winning people over and they will like us more. We are actually encouraging superficial relationships. We are giving people permission to use us. 

We may then get ourselves all caught up in feelings of guilt, frustration, and a sense of inadequacy. So what do we do to try and fix this? The answer: we work on caring more and being nicer and pleasing more people of course. 

It’s such a vicious cycle. We think the very act of caring will bring us depth and meaning. We are delusional with the belief our people-pleasing will bring us approval and deep connection.

In reality, the opposite happens, leaving us feeling progressively worse about ourselves. Giving us a feeling that there is something desperately wrong with us. 

Let me tell you, the only thing wrong with you is that you care too much! And this is literally causing you mental and physical pain!

πŸ’‘ By the way: Do you find it hard to be happy and in control of your life? It may not be your fault. To help you feel better, we’ve condensed the information of 100’s of articles into a 10-step mental health cheat sheet to help you be more in control. πŸ‘‡

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How do I know if I care too much? 

There are some very simple checks online. Here are a few of them. Go through this list and if you relate to most of them, then I’m afraid you care too much. But rest assured, we can fix this. 

So, you care too much and are a people pleaser if most of the following points describe you. 

  • Struggle to say β€œno” to others.
  • Ruminate on previous conversations.
  • Pride yourself on being β€œnice”.
  • Avoid conflict.
  • Go out your way for others, even when it doesn’t suit you.
  • Think others’ beliefs and opinions are more important than your own.
  • Spend more time servicing others than on your own well-being.
  • Apologize excessively.
  • Have limited free time.
  • Find yourself seeking approval.
  • Struggle with low self-esteem.
  • Experience guilt if you say or do something you think you β€œshouldn’t have”.
  • Desperately want to be liked and fit in.
  • Find yourself trying to be someone you think others want you to be.

What does our data say?

Caring too much leads to anxiety. That’s what we’ve learned from conducting 86 interviews with people who struggle with anxiety. Luckily, these people have shared what helped them overcome their anxiety:

Our most recent anxiety interviews:

My Fight Against Anxiety, PTSD, and Depression After Being Laid OffFinding Happiness At Sea As A Yacht Captain After Overcoming Depression and AnxietyOvercoming a Rare Autoimmune Disease With a Careful Diet and Self-ImprovementHow Therapy, Self-Help and Medication Help Me Live With Depression and AnxietyHow Therapy, Medication and Baking Help Me Navigate Depression and OCDHow I Found My Self-Worth After Battling Chronic Pain, Anxiety and Panic AttacksHow a Mindset Change Helped Me Break Free From Childhood Trauma and ToxicityMy Journey to Self-Compassion Amidst Depression, Anxiety and Suicidal ThoughtsTherapy Helped Me Overcome Depression and Better Cope With Chronic Health ConditionsHow Sobriety, Therapy, and Self-Care Help Me Navigate BPD and Bipolar Disorder Better

5 ways to not care so much 

If you are realizing for the first time that you care too much and are a people pleaser, please don’t panic. The first step in overcoming a trait is identifying it. We can work on this and help bring greater meaning into your life. 

Here are 5 simple things you can work on now, to address your over-caring and people-pleasing habits. 

1. Read this book

There are some great books out there. A personal favorite that I am working my way through for the second time just now is β€œNot Nice” by Dr. Aziz Gazipura.

This book is gold dust. It helped me recognize that the opposite of being nice and caring is not being mean, selfish, and unkind. Rather, it is being assertive and authentic. We think our lives will fall apart when we stop being so nice and caring. But Dr. Gazipura eloquently explains why the opposite happens.

The book is full of theory, anecdotes, and personal experiences. It also has several exercises to help you reflect and recognize your own habits and help you on your journey. 

2. Stop taking responsibility for other people’s feelings 

Ooft this is a tough one to implement.  If my friends seem off either in person or in text. I wonder what I have done to upset them.

If my boss seems distracted, I believe it is because of something I have said or done. Or maybe it is because of something I have not said or done. If I am at a party, I have a ridiculous notion that I am responsible for everyone present having a good time.

I am realizing how ingrained this sense of responsibility in me is. But, I am working hard to recognize that I am not responsible for the feelings of others.

I have stayed too long in past relationships for fear of hurting the other person. I have put the feelings of other people before my own. I have endured unhealthy relationships for fear of causing someone upset. And then, I felt extreme guilt for breaking up with someone who I didn’t even want to be with. 

Learn to deal with your own feelings and recognize that you are not responsible for other people’s feelings. If they have negative feelings, that is on them and it is not your responsibility to try to negate those feelings. 

This is most regularly demonstrated in apologizing for things that aren’t even our fault. And we do this to try and gain approval and be liked

3. Learn to say β€œno” 

I find saying β€œno” one of the hardest things in the world. But you know what happens if I don’t embrace the discomfort of saying β€œno”? I can find myself resentful and angry at feeling used and taking on too much. Saying β€œno” is OK.

In fact, it is more than OK. If you don’t want to do something, say no. This will result in doing more of what you want to do and less of what you see as an obligation.

A friendship of mine is falling apart. I dared to say β€œno” when she asked if one of her friends could join our date. Well, wasn’t I a horrible person in her eyes! 

I didn’t explain myself very well. But ultimately, I didn’t owe any explanation. She had every right to be upset. But I also have every right to say β€œno”. I don’t think she has forgiven me. But, I am not responsible for her feelings. See what I did there? 

Yes, I felt horrifically guilty for saying β€œno”, but I also felt empowered. 

4. Allow yourself your own opinions 

When I was 9 years old, there was a girl in my class who was desperately afraid of having her own likes and dislikes. If she was asked if she liked something, her immediate response was β€œDo you?” Then depending on your answer, she chose that as her answer.

When we deprive ourselves of our own opinions we are telling ourselves that we do not matter. We are giving the world the message that everyone else matters more than us. That the opinion of others is more important than our own.

Stop caring about other people more than you care about yourself.

Imagine you bought a new outfit and you felt amazing in it. Now, imagine a β€œfriend” laughing at it and making unkind remarks. Would you be able to shrug off their words and recognize that your opinion on what you wear is more important than someone else’s? 

This goes for many things. You are allowed opinions on anything. So stop agreeing with everyone. Learn to express a difference of opinion and recognize that this may even earn you more respect and open up conversations. 

5. Establish boundaries 

Sometimes as well as saying β€œno” we need to establish boundaries. We have agency over our own boundaries. We can decide what behaviors are and aren’t acceptable in our work environment, family life, and relationships. 

Maybe a friend is texting you too much and it is draining your energy. Set up some clear boundaries in relation to this. When you set up healthy boundaries, people around you become aware of what is and isn’t acceptable and they learn to respect you more. You actually build stronger connections this way. 

An old friend started using me to offload gossip. I clearly outlined I wasn’t interested and didn’t want to engage in such conversations. And then the gossiping stopped.

We can prescribe a set of rules that we want to live by and it is not asking too much to expect others to respect our boundaries. If they choose not to respect our boundaries, learn to be OK with saying goodbye. 

Here’s a helpful article that’s all about healthily setting boundaries.

πŸ’‘ By the way: If you want to start feeling better and more productive, I’ve condensed the information of 100’s of our articles into a 10-step mental health cheat sheet here. πŸ‘‡

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Wrapping up 

When we start to care less we open up a new world. It’s not selfish to care less. In fact, it means we are giving more time and attention to the right people. When we care less, we actually become more authentic. 

What do you think will happen to your relationships when you try to care less? And what will happen to your own mindset? I’d love to hear your thoughts below!

Ali Hall AuthorLinkedIn Logo

Kindness is my superpower. Dogs and nature are my oxygen. Psychology with Sports science graduate. Scottish born and bred. I’ve worked and traveled all over the world. Find me running long distances on the hills and trails.

4 thoughts on “5 Tips to Stop Caring so Much About Anything and Anyone”

  1. I find myself revisiting this article frequently. It’s extremely well written and very helpful. I’m an ex-people pleaser as well but still have some areas I need to fix. I don’t want other’s approval, my self-esteem and confidence has greatly improved, I refuse to change myself to fit in, and I know my feelings and opinions are just as valid as everyone else’s. It’s just when I see someone struggling, especially with something I strongly relate to, I want to reach out and help. However, I then end up experiencing a lot of the feelings and situations mentioned above. Personal things don’t get done, fake friends come into my life, and I become extremely bitter. I have become much better at saying no and putting my own needs first. I guess my fears stem around that person (or group of people) bullying me because I won’t do what they want. Caring too much is like being a human doormat. You’re giving everyone permission to wipe their feet off on you. Thanks again for writing this and I may look into purchasing the book at some point.

  2. This is helpful, and I even ordered the Not Nice book. That said, my issue is not that I am agreeable, but rather that I freely express my opinions, and I am very vocal because I care too much. When people disagree with my commentary, or feel that I am overstepping (i.e. at work if I give feedback or disagree with an idea) it turns them off, and many will either get defensive, intimidated, or exclude me, which in turn makes me feel attacked and/or shut out, and I end up apologizing for being my true self, even though I am kind, respectful and empathic. I do have high standards, and I don’t accept mediocrity. It’s a vicious cycle that often leads to depression. I need to care less so that I am LESS LIKELY to speak up, and not sweat the small stuff, because at the end of the day, it doesn’t even matter and why do I care? Not my circus, not my clowns.

    • Thanks for your thoughtful comment, Gaia.

      This is something I personally struggle with as well. To me, there are two solutions:

      One, you can try to care less by using the tips from this article. This will help you (over)step on the work of others. As you say, it’s not always your circus (I like that!) πŸ™‚

      Second, you can try to surround yourself with people who are more like you. Who are better able to take feedback and are also unaccepting of mediocrity.

      The best solution is probably a mixture of both. πŸ™‚

      Good luck, and thanks again for sharing your thoughts!


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