87 Interviews With People Struggling With Depression

We have interviewed 87 people who have struggled with depression. These stories are full of tips on how to overcome depression.

Most recent stories of people struggling with depression

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Are you struggling with depression?

I’ve interviewed 87 people struggling with depression, and here are the top 5 most mentioned tips that helped these people overcome it:

  1. Therapy (52 people helped)
  2. Self-improvement (41 people helped)
  3. Self-Care (31 people helped)
  4. Social support (30 people helped)
  5. Medication (25 people helped)

In our many years of publishing helpful mental health content, we always received questions from our readers about specific situations. While we have a lot of helpful tips to share on how to be happier, we simply can’t offer advice for every situation.

That’s why I’ve set out to interview folks with every type of mental health struggle. My job as an interviewer is to categorize these interviews and present them in a way that is most helpful to our readers.

Read all the case studies

Carmen Leal Interview Featured Image

How A Rescue Dog Helped Me Overcome TBI, Depression and Suicidal Ideation

“I sat on the summer-hot pavement, and no one stopped or asked me if I was okay. No one called the police. People walked around me as quickly as possible. When I was all cried out, I walked home to my empty house. I bought a set of knives, ostensibly for cooking, but that was not the reason. I had thought about pills, and every day I researched how many of each prescription drug I was on would I need to take to die. Using a sharp knife seemed so much easier.”

Sharon Fekete Interview Featured Image

Sharing My Journey From Alcohol and Substance Abuse to Sobriety and Happiness

“I felt prettier, smarter, funnier when alcohol entered my body so I simply continued numbing through the years. The progression of this disease of alcoholism turned into a nasty drug habit and those feelings of insecurity turned into deep darkness when I was “off my meds”. Or in other words, without alcohol or drugs.”

Helped by:

Ella Shae Interview Featured Image

My Journey From Hitting Rock Bottom to Overcoming Abuse, Addiction, and Eating Disorder

“Then something happened. On about day 3 or 4, the group spoke and I realized that their way of thinking around food, their rituals, and their tendencies, were all the same as the things I would do. It was wild because I thought I had made these things up myself and here I was with a room full of people who did the same things.”

Echo Wang Featured Image

How Yoga Became My Lifeline in Navigating Depression and Building Self-Love

“My relationship with myself was pretty broken and I had no self-belief, I had low self-esteem and I resented my family. It was through yoga that I found the truest feeling of comfort, self-compassion, and courage to move forward, grow as a person, and fall back in love with myself and life again.”

Zane Landin Featured Image

How I’m Seeking Moments of Happiness Despite Struggling With Depression

“The diagnosis I longed for finally arrived, but it didn’t bring the expected empowerment. While it sheds light on my struggles, it also serves as a reminder that this is a part of me that won’t simply vanish. Though mental health can be managed, I know it will always leave its mark. The most challenging part is not always pinpointing why I feel the way I do.”