96 Interviews With People Who've Been Helped By Therapy

We have interviewed 96 people who have overcome struggles with the help of therapy. These stories show that therapy is one of the most powerful ways to overcome struggles of mental health.

Most recent stories of people helped by therapy

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Are you looking for stories on therapy?

I’ve interviewed 96 people who have been helped by therapy, and here are the top 5 struggles that these people have overcome:

  1. Anxiety (58 posts)
  2. Depression (54 posts)
  3. Childhood trauma (21 posts)
  4. Suicidal (18 posts)
  5. Stress (17 posts)

In our many years of publishing helpful mental health content, we always received questions from our readers about specific situations. While we have a lot of helpful tips to share on how to be happier, we simply can’t offer advice for every situation.

That’s why I’ve set out to interview folks with every type of mental health struggle. My job as an interviewer is to categorize these interviews and present them in a way that is most helpful to our readers.

Read all the case studies

Karen Kossow Interview Featured Image

From Struggling with Anxiety and Depression to Embracing ADHD and Autism Diagnoses

“My anxiety was out of control. My system “was constantly overloaded. There were days when I couldn’t function. It’s hard to admit, but some days, I didn’t enjoy being a mom…and I hated that! I wanted nothing more than to be the parent they needed. Unfortunately, I had no idea what that looked like. And they couldn’t tell me.”

Pam Verner Interview Featured Image 1

From Overwhelmed and Lost to Grounded and Supported: My Mental Health Journey

“After a while, I decided to try psychotherapy. But eventually the therapist used sexual abuse as his “therapeutic intervention,” and my suicidal desires came back in full force. I lived on the sharp edges of suicide for several years. The only thing that stopped me from taking my own life was my love for my children.”

Frank Anderson Interview Featured Image

From 30 Years Of Sexual Identity Suppression To Living a Fulfilling and Authentic Life

“Eventually, I ended up telling her that I was gay and that I was attracted to men, which obviously ended our marriage. This was a very difficult and painful time for me, living a double life and acting in ways that felt destructive, harmful and painful, both to her and I. It was a huge relief when I finally was able to acknowledge my sexual orientation both internally to myself, as well as to my then-wife. However, this struggle was just the beginning because I now had to tell my family and friends about my orientation.”

Jason Morehouse Interview Featured Image

A Formal Diagnosis Inspired my Passion to Tackle Mental Healthcare Access For Everyone

“The turning point came when I received my diagnosis at the specialized treatment facility. I reached a point where I needed clarity about my situation, so I took the necessary steps to take time away from family and company to pursue those answers. My time at the facility and finally understanding what was happening to me gave me a sense of relief and validation.”

Jennifer Silver Interview Featured Image

My Journey of Overcoming Postpartum Depression and an Eating Disorder

“I was concerned about how my struggles might affect others’ perceptions of me and my competence as a mother and professional. This led me to mask my feelings and put on a brave face, even when I was feeling my lowest. Seeking help was a pivotal moment, but until then, I often felt like I had to navigate these challenges alone, despite the support and understanding that others might have been willing to offer.”

Exercise, Therapy and Religion Helped Me Climb Out Of Alcoholism and Unhappiness

“The moment I felt something change for the better was when I was sitting at a bar sipping on a beer, and I called my father. I told him I truly didn’t want to drink anymore and really wanted to get sober. He sighed and said, “We tried to help you. Now it’s up to you just to stop drinking.” I asked him how that was going to be possible considering all of my options ran out. He screamed into the phone, “JUST STOP” and hung up.”

Struggled with:

Helped by:

Michelle Courtney Berry Interview Featured Image

Overcoming Reactive Attachment Disorder and Depression with Self-Care and Therapy

“Despite experiencing severe depressive symptoms, including suicidal ideation, I made a concerted effort to appear upbeat and engaged in social settings. This involved forcing myself to smile, laugh, and participate in conversations as if everything was fine, even when I was internally battling intense emotional pain that I felt I was not safe to reveal.”

Kelly Gordon Interview Featured Image

Finding Happiness At Sea As A Yacht Captain After Overcoming Depression and Anxiety

“If a situation is making you unhappy – a marriage, a job, a family member – anything – change the situation. You can leave, you can stop speaking to someone (yes, even a parent or another family member), and you can do so free of guilt because you are in charge of your own happiness, and life is too short to choose anything different for yourself.”

Struggled with:

Helped by: