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5 Proven Tips to Think Positive When Depressed

by Ashley

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see the good positive quote

Key points

  • Beyond impacting your physical health, research shows that positive thinking leads to happiness.
  • Moving your body creates endorphins, and they make it easier to think happy thoughts.
  • Embrace gratitude in your life: People who are more grateful are less depressed.

When you’re depressed, the last thing you want to do is think positive thoughts. But as someone who was trapped in depression for months, I’m telling you: it’s necessary to think positive thoughts when you’re feeling depressed.

When you begin to think positive thoughts, you radically shift both your psychology and your physiology. This is what will ultimately lead you to freedom from the depths of depression.

This article isn’t going to just tell you to think happy thoughts. I’m going to give you tangible ways to begin to think positively no matter what you’re going through.

What does positive thinking do for you?

Why bother trying to think positively when you feel depressed? I know that’s a question I asked myself when I was battling depression.

But the research has some strong arguments for why it’s worth your while. So before you write off the idea of positive thinking, let’s take a look at the data.

One study analyzed the results of 300 studies to synthesize them. They found that negative thinking is associated with reduced immune system function.

And the longer you think negatively, the greater the impact on your immune system. This could make you more likely to get sick and impact your physical health on many levels.

The antidote to boost your immune system proposed by the researchers was focusing on positive thoughts. 

So if you want to feel sick and depressed, then keep thinking negative thoughts. But there’s a better choice available to you right now. 

Beyond impacting your physical health, research shows positive thinking may be a big part of what leads to happiness.

When you’re depressed, you often want nothing more than to not be depressed. This research indicates that the key to finding happiness may be shifting your thoughts to focus on the good.

This means that your thoughts really matter. Because changing your thoughts is how you start to shift the narrative surrounding your depression.

💡 By the way: Do you find it hard to be happy and in control of your life? It may not be your fault. To help you feel better, we’ve condensed the information of 100’s of articles into a 10-step mental health cheat sheet to help you be more in control. 👇

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Don’t Miss Out On Happiness

Find happiness with this 10-step mental health cheat sheet.

Do positive thoughts have the same effect on people with depression?

Now we know that positive thinking is good for you, both mentally and physically. But is someone who feels depressed able to experience those benefits?

The research seems to indicate that it is physiologically possible.

The study used rats to determine if it was possible to override depressive symptoms. They artificially induced the physical response a positive memory would have in our brains.

They found that after introducing the “positive memory” response the rats exhibited fewer depressive symptoms.

Now obviously this is an animal study. So we can’t fully assume the findings are valid for humans.

(And let’s not dive into the ethics of using animals for testing these things).

But this study tells us that depressed people are capable of experiencing the same joy from a positive thought as non-depressed people.

In simpler terms, your brain is capable of feeling happy. You can think happy thoughts. It just takes some retraining.

What does our data say?

Depression comes in different forms and shapes, which we learned from our interviews. We’ve interviewed 91 people who’ve dealt with depression, and they’ve all shared their own tips om how to overcome it. We’ve carefully categorized these interviews to show you what has worked best for these people:

Our most recent interviews about depression:

My Struggle with Depression While Finding Strength Through Mental Health AdvocacyMy Fight Against Anxiety, PTSD, and Depression After Being Laid OffOvercoming Reactive Attachment Disorder and Depression with Self-Care and TherapyFinding Happiness At Sea As A Yacht Captain After Overcoming Depression and AnxietyHow A Rescue Dog Helped Me Overcome TBI, Depression and Suicidal IdeationHow Therapy, Self-Help and Medication Help Me Live With Depression and AnxietySharing My Journey From Alcohol and Substance Abuse to Sobriety and HappinessCognitive Reframing and Mindfulness Helped Me Overcome Depression and Suicidal IdeationI’m Finding Luck After Trauma and Abuse Through MindfulnessMy Journey From Hitting Rock Bottom to Overcoming Abuse, Addiction, and Eating Disorder

5 ways to think positively when depressed

Now let’s get into the recipe for thinking positively when you’re feeling blue. With these steps, you can train your brain to see the good.

1. Take advantage of endorphins

One of the easiest ways to shift your thoughts is to change your physiology. I want you to take advantage of your body’s endorphin response.

When you have endorphins flowing through your body, you feel good. And when you feel good, it’s easier to think happy thoughts.

And the best way to get endorphins flowing is to move your body. Whether it’s a walk, yoga, a run, or climbing up a mountain, just move your body.

Pushing your body in a way that feels good to you will impact your psychology.

When I was going through my major depressive episode, running was my salvation. It’s one of the few times I can remember feeling good.

Committing to running allowed me to experience endorphins regularly. This led to me viewing life through a more positive lens over time.

Our data proves it

Exercise is a powerful healer, not just for depression but for a lot of struggles. We’ve interviewed 26 people who’ve overcome struggles of mental health through exercise. This data really is a testament to the healing powers of endorphinsh:

Our most recent interviews discussing exercising:

Exercise, Therapy and Religion Helped Me Climb Out Of Alcoholism and UnhappinessHow Yoga Became My Lifeline in Navigating Depression and Building Self-LoveHow Boxing and Therapy Help Me Recover My Identity After Extreme Weight LossHealing From Postpartum Depression With Therapy, Friends & ExerciseSurviving a Workplace Shooting and Navigating PTSD, Insomnia With Marathons and PrayersHow Sobriety, Therapy, and Self-Care Help Me Navigate BPD and Bipolar Disorder BetterConquering Alcoholism and Hopelessness And Helping Others Do the SameRecovering From Chronic Pain and Long-COVID With Emotional Healing MovementOvercoming Grief and Assault With 29 Marathons and Now Helping Others Do the SameConfronting The Stigma around My ADHD and Embracing It to Reinvent Myself

2. Focus on what you can control

When you feel depressed, it can be easy to fixate on what’s outside of your control. And the reality is there will always be things outside of your control.

But thinking about this traps you in a cycle of negative thinking. The way to escape is to focus on what you can control.

When you think about what you can do, you start to take back your power. And this leads to you thinking more positively about your situation.

During my depression, I was focusing a lot on things in my industry that were burning me out. One day I finally decided that I was going to shift to thinking about things I could do.

I focused on changing my work hours. I focused on developing a new skill set. This led to me thinking more happy thoughts instead of feeling stuck.

No matter how dire your circumstances are, there is something you can control. Focusing on that is sure to help you think more positively. If you need more help, here’s an article of ours on how to stop trying to control everything.

3. Gratitude, gratitude, and more gratitude

Research shows that there is an empirical relationship between gratitude and depression. People who are more grateful are less depressed.

So I can’t think of a better reason to use gratitude as a way to shift your thinking and overcome depression.

I know that focusing on what I’m grateful for keeps my brain from focusing on my sad thoughts.

Start small. Look around you and list three things you’re thankful to have.

It could be relationships. It could be physical items. And then notice how you feel.

Once you’re started you can keep going. Or better yet, you can make this a regular practice.

Things like a gratitude journal or listing it off every time you brush your teeth can make it a daily habit.

4. Ask yourself what a happy person would do

If you feel like you can’t think a happy thought, stop thinking from your perspective for a bit. Ask yourself, “What would a happy person do?”.

That question alone has the power to keep you from thinking negatively. When you envision a happy person, you can think of their behaviors and attitudes.

What would that person be focusing on? How would they spend their time? Then go out and try to be that person.

I know I make it sound simple. And I can appreciate that it’s not that simple. But it’s a step towards happier thoughts.

When I was depressed, I imagined what a happy version of me would look like. It was a form of daydreaming.

I started to realize that I could be that girl if I did what she was doing in my head. It made me feel hopeful and helped me slowly start to change my behavior.

5. Don’t try to fix all your thoughts

You might be confused by this one. Let me explain.

Trying to pull a full-blown 180 on your thought life may not be the best approach if you’re depressed.

 As someone who tried to fake it until they made it with their mental health, it didn’t work. Start by focusing on changing just a few negative thoughts at a time.

Don’t expect yourself to just wake up tomorrow and be happy as a clam. These things take time.

And by being genuine about the process of shifting to positive thinking, it’s more likely to stick.

So when you catch yourself thinking something along the lines of, “What’s the point?” Try to flip the script on just that one thought.

As you catch yourself doing this, over time it will become more habitual. And then naturally more of your thoughts will be positive without feeling forced.

💡 By the way: If you want to start feeling better and more productive, I’ve condensed the information of 100’s of our articles into a 10-step mental health cheat sheet here. 👇

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This Cheat Sheet Will Help You Be Happier and More Productive

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Wrapping up

Thinking positive thoughts when you’re depressed may feel counterintuitive. But it is by no means impossible. With the tips from this article, you can use your brain to find the good in life and abandon depression. Start with a few positive thoughts today and watch as you find your way back to happiness.

If there’s one tip that has worked for you and you want to share, what would it be? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Ashley Kaiser AuthorLinkedIn Logo

Physical therapist, writer, and outdoor enthusiast from Arizona. Self-proclaimed dark chocolate addict and full-time adrenaline junkie. Obsessed with my dog and depending on the day my husband, too.

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