
Theresia Daniel Interview Featured Image

How I Stopped Obsessively Controlling My Body and Accepted My Values Instead

“I became interested in health and wellness and started to learn about healthy foods, nervous system exercises, energy, etc. And the same pattern of control started again disguised as health and wellness. Because of the way I was treated growing up and as a young adult, I felt there was something deeply wrong with me- like I was not loveable as I was. I needed to control my body to feel like I was enough, to make myself loveable so that I could be happy.”

Marina Featured Image

My Journey to Self-Compassion Amidst Depression, Anxiety and Suicidal Thoughts

“This suicidal edge coupled with stress, anxiety, and loneliness made me stop working as a human being. In just two months I had spiraled down into the darkest hole which has ever existed for me. There didn’t exist Marina anymore, merely a depressive and neurotic copy of her, who was unable to laugh and sleep.”

Susan Gold Featured Image

Breaking Free from Abuse and a Toxic Family to find Self-Love and Authentic Happiness

“The abuse expanded over time. My mother could be incredibly kind and would have given Martha Stewart a run for her money. The problem came when her mood and personality would flip on a dime, her eyes in slits, and I would be beaten, almost to the point of blacking out, for what reason I couldn’t understand.”

Julijana Featured Image

My Bipolar Disorder Journey and How Therapy and Medication Help Me Navigate

“I wish I knew that I was worthy of the treatment and that everything I felt was valid. Because it is, no one is the same. Even with the same condition, we are all different. I was scared of what was happening to me. I was full of hatred, sadness, guilt, disappointment in the world, etc., but sometimes I still am! And that’s valid.”

Rodrigo Interview Featured Image (2)

How Hitting Rock Bottom Started My Journey of Healing From BPD and Addiction

“Do you know how hard it is to be friends with a person who wants to kill themselves then 5 minutes later they’re ok? It’s draining. Well, I am that person. The struggle impacts me daily, however, last Saturday I had an epiphany that I’ve been working on and the days seem to be getting better.”