
Scott Lyons Interview Featured Image

From Drama Addiction to Healing: A Psychologist’s Journey of Self-Discovery

“In those times, I became a master of disguise, adept at hiding the turmoil beneath a veneer of composure. To the outside world, I appeared to be navigating life with ease, but inside, there was a cacophony of emotions I kept tightly guarded. It was a delicate dance of maintaining appearances while wrestling with an internal chaos that threatened to spill over at any moment.”

Pam Verner Interview Featured Image 1

From Overwhelmed and Lost to Grounded and Supported: My Mental Health Journey

“After a while, I decided to try psychotherapy. But eventually the therapist used sexual abuse as his “therapeutic intervention,” and my suicidal desires came back in full force. I lived on the sharp edges of suicide for several years. The only thing that stopped me from taking my own life was my love for my children.”