
Karen Kossow Interview Featured Image

From Struggling with Anxiety and Depression to Embracing ADHD and Autism Diagnoses

“My anxiety was out of control. My system “was constantly overloaded. There were days when I couldn’t function. It’s hard to admit, but some days, I didn’t enjoy being a mom…and I hated that! I wanted nothing more than to be the parent they needed. Unfortunately, I had no idea what that looked like. And they couldn’t tell me.”

From Burnout to Balance: How I Found Happiness After Career Overload

“I experienced burnout. It was so severe that I could barely get out of bed or feed myself anything more than a bag of chips. I had also ground my teeth so badly that I was experiencing shooting pain in my jaw. When I saw the dentist, she told me that the damage to my teeth was permanent. To this day I often have pain when eating or drinking very hot or cold items.”

Struggled with: